Ste Foy is pretty dead at night unless all you want is a nice meal (2 v good restaurants in the resort more down the hill) and a couple of quiet beers, its easier to get to than La Rosiere though. by the "great sage" horrid pic taken after 2 hours snowploughing down a frozen tank track. given that you will only have a few days, you might really enjoy these places, choose your own pace, but cram a lot in. Superb restaurant as well as the 'Great Sage' can testify to. Really great people own this place - refreshing in a very commercial world. And a heli-taxi a few fields up the road - the beginning of the heli-skiing trips over the border. Great jazz and music sessions in the evening. There are some characters in this place - many somewhat detached from reality. I often eat there early, to meet up with a guide or group for the day. ! Their cafe is something to behold for breakfast at about 7am in the morning. This will be a unique experience believe me. or you can try Hotel Le Monal in the old village of Ste Foy. Some snowHeads & Eagles stayed there last season & I met them each morning from my own Dacha One or two might add to this. They run two of their own mini-busses to any resort you want to go on the day, giving you the choice of Ste Foy, La Rosiere, Paradiski, or Espace Killy - tour the Tarentaise for your long weekend I think they even pick-up from Geneva. This is really special & I am sure you would not be disappointed. If you are having difficulty finding accommodation for these dates, then do try Auberge Montagne run by Sue & Andy Mac. and now for something completely different. Anyway, snowHeads really is MUCH better when you're logged in - not least because you get to post your own messages complaining about things that annoy you like perhaps this banner which, incidentally, disappears when you log in :-)

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